Thursday 17 April 2014

Diamond Stud Earrings: Never Go Out Of Fashion

If its your anniversary and you want to gift your wife something special and you are not getting any ideas, then a good old classic suggestion is go for diamonds. There is something about diamonds that make ladies melt and makes them ecstatic. Diamonds in real sense are a girl's best friend. A diamond studded earring would make the best gift for her on your anniversary. Before you plan on purchasing a good pair of attractive studs, there are somethings you should keep in mind.

Skin Tone
There are different shapes and sizes of diamonds with different tones and hues which may or may not suit certain face shapes or complexions. Women who have cool undertones look better in silver and platinum metals, and women with warm undertones look better in gold. Hence know the skin tone first and then go for studs set in the appropriate metal which would suit the skin tone.

Face Shape
Round faces look good in straight, angular and long earrings and drops. Square faces look good in round earrings. Heart shaped faces best suit teardrops and triangles. Long faces can go with studs and chandeliers. Diamond shaped faces look appealing in studs and drops. Oval face is the best shape which can look good with all types of earrings.

Size of Stone
The jewelry industry lists the size of a diamond by its carat weight. The total carat weight (TDW) for a pair of earrings includes all the diamonds in the jewelry; for diamond studs, a size of 1-carat TDW means that each earring contains a 1/2-carat diamond.

Diamonds come in different cuts and shapes. The round shape is the most well-liked diamond cut. It has 58 facets and has brilliant sparkle when compared to other cuts. If a conventional round cut is boring then there are other popular options too like the princess cut, emerald cut and asscher cuts.

A colorless diamond is always far more expensive. The GIA grades diamonds on a scale of alphabets, the scale rates the color quality of a stone: D-F for colorless, G-I for near colorless, J-K for faint color and L-R for noticeable color. Flaws in stones are mostly not noticeable and are visible only under magnification. These flaws are known as clarity and do not exist in all stones.

The stud should fit flat against the ear and the design of the setting makes the difference. The secret to studs with a better fit is balance. There are three basic styles of setting and they are,

3 prong Martini style – best fit.
4 prong Basket style – good fit.
4 prong crow style – poor fit.

The price of the diamond stud earring can vary depending on the size, color, cut, and carat and the metal which it is bound in. A colorless diamond can be more expensive than one with a noticeable color.